Be a Social & Recreational Partner

CCF warmly welcomes corporate partners to propose and organise social and recreational (S&R) activities to bring joy and happiness to our beneficiaries and their families.

Objectives of S&R activities:

  • Promote family bonding
  • Bring joy and happiness to our beneficiaries
  • Improve social interaction skills of the children
  • Promote integration of our beneficiaries into the community
  • Strengthen ties among families coping with childhood cancer

Examples of S&R activities:

  • Interactive Workshops
  • Outdoor activities
  • Festive celebrations

If you are interested to sponsor/organise an S&R activity/event, kindly fill up the S&R Proposal Form and email to Successful proposals will be selected on a case-by-case basis.

To assist you in your planning, please refer to the guide for organising an S&R event .

For enquiries, contact our Volunteer Management team at