Whistle Blowing Policy

Purpose and Scope

CCF is committed to maintaining high levels of integrity, ethics and honesty in our services and operations. To achieve high standards of corporate governance and compliance with all laws and regulatory requirements, CCF does not condone any wrongdoings, misconduct, or statutory non-compliance by our Management Committee members, employees or volunteers in the course of our work.

CCF’s Whistle-blowing Policy provides an avenue for anyone to report in confidence and without fear of retaliation or unfair treatment, any concerns about suspected misconduct or wrongdoing including corruption, fraudulent acts, cheating, theft, misuse of CCF’s properties, assets or resources, breach of the organisation’s policies, laws or regulations.


CCF does not tolerate any harassment or victimisation and will take appropriate action to protect anyone reporting a genuine concern in good faith. Should there be harassment of the person who submitted the report, he/she can make a report to the Audit Committee or the Management Committee Chairperson.

No action will be taken against anyone who makes allegations in good faith reasonably believing it to be true, even if the allegation is not subsequently confirmed upon investigation.

Acting in Good Faith

Anyone filing a report concerning a violation or suspected violation should act in good faith and not make false accusations. False or malicious reports which lack any objective basis will not be tolerated, as this will cause unnecessary waste of time for management and anxiety to the person being investigated.

Anyone who knowingly or recklessly makes allegations that cannot be substantiated and/or are maliciously or knowingly to be false shall be viewed as a serious violation of good faith and may be subject to appropriate disciplinary procedures.


The whistle-blower must be prepared to make his/her identity known to the receiver of the complaint/concern. The identity of the whistle-blower shall be treated with the strictest confidence.

Every effort will be made to ensure confidentiality of the matter unless relevant disclosure is required by law or statute. In such cases, the whistle-blower shall be informed in advance and the reasons made clear to him/her. If the whistle-blower wishes to retain his/her confidential status, he/she has the option to withdraw the report to protect his/her confidential status.

Reporting of Concerns

  • Reports can be made in any of the following forms to the CCF Audit Committee. The whistle-blower is required to make his/her identity known to the Audit Committee. All reports will be duly acknowledged as soon as possible upon receipt.
  • If the report involves any of the Audit Committee members, the whistle-blower may report his/her concern directly to the Management Committee Chairperson.
auditcom@ccf.org.sgThe CCF Audit Committee
Children’s Cancer Foundation
535 Kallang Bahru, #02-01
GB Point
Singapore 339351
chair@ccf.org.sgThe Chairperson
Children’s Cancer Foundation
535 Kallang Bahru, #02-01
GB Point
Singapore 339351
  • The report should as far as possible include the following information:

    –  Date, time, place and nature of the wrongdoing
    –  Identity of the parties involved
    –  Details and/or copies of any relevant documents supporting the report, and
    –  Any other relevant information.

Investigation and Outcome Report

  • The Audit Committee shall review all reports submitted and shall determine the appropriate action to be taken. If the report is deemed to be frivolous or unsubstantiated, the Audit Committee may not take further action on it.
  • Where the report is deemed to be valid, the Audit Committee shall conduct an investigation into the matter. Depending on the complexity and nature of the concern, the Audit Committee may engage CCF’s Management Committee, an appropriate advisor or external service provider to assist in conducting the investigation.
  • An Audit Committee member or the appointed investigating officer may from time to time contact the person who submitted the report should there be a need to clarify certain matters in the report.
  • The Audit Committee shall upon conclusion of the investigation, submit a report to the Management Committee on the outcome of the investigation and their recommendations. The CCF Management Committee shall be responsible for ensuring that all recommendations are acted upon.
  • If the report is made against an Audit Committee member, the Management Committee Chairperson or a Management Committee member of whom the Management Committee Chairperson has appointed for the role and who has no involvement with the Audit Committee shall assume the investigative role of the Audit Committee.
  • The whistle-blower shall be kept informed on the outcome of the investigation.


CCF may modify this Policy to maintain compliance with applicable laws and regulations or accommodate changes within the organisation.