In 2013, Nazri Arshad, was diagnosed with Leukaemia. He was only 16. Both his parents lost their cleaning jobs trying to stay by his side. After a two-year ordeal undergoing multiple surgeries, chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant, Nazri was cancer-free in 2015 and returned to school.
“To be honest, some people would be crying and upset about this,” said Nazri. “But for me, I didn’t feel anything. I just feel that this is just a test from God, and that I just need to respect what He is asking me to go through. I believe that if God wants to take you through this experience, He will guide you. It is important to think positive!”
His optimism played a big part in helping him beat the illness. Despite hurtful comments from a fair share of his friends, Nazri’s indomitable spirit allowed him to look past their ignorance. “I had a friend tell me, ‘Go away, I’m scared you’ll pass your virus to me’ while another said, ‘Oh, I thought you died already’. But I ignored them. I refuse to allow their words to get into my head.”
Fast forward to 2020: Nazri and his family’s financial situation was hit hard once again by the COVID-19 pandemic as his parents lost their jobs one after another. Nazri stepped up during the circuit breaker to help his family make ends meet, working as a food delivery rider by day and packer by night.
Despite his hardships, Nazri found time to give back during the recent Hari Raya festivities. With what little he had, he baked and sent Raya cookies to low-income families who were also going through a tough time during the pandemic. He even got his delivery rider friends who had lost their jobs during the circuit breaker to deliver the cookies.
He explained: “A few families asked if they could pay me but I told them to donate directly to CCF instead. I refused their money because my aim is to help people. Many of my friends said I was wasting my money but I told them that I didn’t think of it that way.” Nazri encouraged others to reciprocate his goodwill with a donation to CCF because he appreciated CCF’s support at every step of his childhood cancer journey.
Nazri used to visit the Family Resource Centre at CCF@KKH, a playroom with games and books, when he felt well enough. CCF volunteers would always be there if he needed someone to talk to or play with, something he is incredibly grateful for. Besides emotional support, CCF helped Nazri financially with his medical, transport, school, food and maintenance needs.
As part of its Back-to-School programme, CCF also organised sessions with Nazri’s school to discuss his learning and schooling needs due to his medical condition. Nazri also received various CCF Education Awards for three years. Till today, Nazri still calls CCF his “second family”.
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