CCF Tribute Issue 1 2017 - page 18-19

Christmas cumRaffle Fundraising
Party 2016
It has always been a tradition inArmstrong’s Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR)mission, andavalueheldbyour Founder,
Mr Gilbert Ong, to give back to the community and share joy
with others during the festive season. Hence, we as a small
Armstrong family in theHQ, were all excited to embark on this
Christmas raffle ticket fundraising project.
The outcome went beyond our expectations. We were
touched by the generosity of our management and staff, who
stepped forward to contribute in their own way. Overall, it was
a heartwarming event, and everything went well. On top of
achieving our fundraising target, Armstrongmanagement went
a step further andmatched the donations dollar for dollar.
Wechose tosupportChildren’sCancerFoundationbecause the
cancer rehabilitation journey canbeemotionally andphysically
challenging for children, especially as they struggle to cope
with their illness, and at the same time undergo treatment .
As such, we want to support these children, and to ease the
financial burden on their families. We hope this donation can
helpCCF and the beneficiaries in ameaningful way.
As part of this project, we have also increased the awareness
among our staff of the rehabilitation journey of cancer patients.
Lookingback, it was definitely a rewardingexperience for us in
Armstrong, where extending a little helping hand to the society
has brought us closer to each other in our own community.
ContributedbyKarenGoh, SeniorManager, GroupHR,
Amstrong Industrial CorporationLimited
BirthdayParty for aGoodCause
I count it a blessing that my daughter is a healthy and chirpy
girl. I havealwaysbeeneducatingher about givingandhelping
the less fortunate.
For her last birthday party, she decided not to receive gifts.
Instead, she encouraged her guests to contribute to a charity.
I gave her the liberty to decide which charity she would like
to support, and she chose CCF after doing some googling. I
believe that since she is a kid herself, she can relate more to
charities involved in helping children.
The party went smoothly, and everyone enjoyed themselves.
Other than donations from adult guests, it is heartening to see
someofher friendsandclassmatesdonating theirsavings toCCF.
Thoughweonly raisedS$1,625.20,wehope that our initiativehas
inspiredothers to come forward todonate toagood cause.
Contributedby LimYingYing, Event Organiser
During a brainstorming session in July 2010, we stumbled
upon the ideaof conductingZumbaFitnessclasses to raise
funds for charity. For the first charity fundraising event, we
raisedmore thanS$7,000 in less than threeweeks.
Organising charityeventshas taughtmemany valuable
lessons, and brought me to various organisations and
government agencieswhich I wouldotherwise not have
the opportunity to visit.
Although there were some hiccups in the initial year,
we managed to attract 800 Zumba enthusiasts to
support our event in the second year. It became easier
organising this charity event in the subsequent years,
aswe grew adept at running this annual event.
The enormous support from a small circle of Zumba
enthusiasts and the supporting Zumba Education
Specialists and Zumba Jammers has inspired me, and
also deepened my passion for charity work because of
the tremendous joy I derived fromhelping those inneed.
In recent years,wedecided tosupport andhelpchildren
with cancer and their families. Therefore, on31October
2016, we organised a fundraising event for Children’s
Cancer Foundation.
I felt a great sense of happiness when I presented the
cheque to theCCF staff, because I knew that the funds
raised would be used to run many programmes and
services to help childrenwith cancer and their families.
I wish all the children every success as they strive for
recovery and freedom, and I salute the familymembers
who provide care and support to these children.
Support of Hair for Hope
GLOBALFOUNDRIES has been a long-standing
corporate partner and supporter of Children’s Cancer
Foundation. The support towardsCCF started all theway
back in 2004, when the then Chartered Semiconductor
Manufacturing (CSM) organiseda charitygolf tournament
which raised $250,000 for CCF. In 2005, the company
repeated the feat and raised $270,000 through another
charity golf event.
In 2006, Ms Mona Ee, (Manager, Human Resource
Operations Department), whose mother is a surviving
cancer patient, felt moved to help children with cancer
and their families, and hence persuaded her colleagues
at Chartered Semiconductor to participate in CCF’s
signature fundraising event, Hair for Hope. One brave
male employee took up the challenge, and had his head
shaved to tell childrenwith cancer that it is ok to be bald.
With this, the seeds of Hair for Hope was sown into
GLOBALFOUNDRIES, and this seed started growing
stronger and stronger year by year. Over the next few
years, thenumber of shavees fromGLOBALFOUNDRIES
- and the accompanying donations - grew slowly but
steadily, from 11 shavees and $25,000 in 2010, to 21
shavees and $59,000 in 2014.
In 2015, GLOBALFOUNDRIES organised its first Hair
for Hope satellite event, with a goal of garnering support
from 50 shavees to commemorate SG50. The goal was
exceeded with 55 employees shaving their heads that
year, includingMona, who had been doing so for the past
eight years.
2016 saw GLOBALFOUNDRIES coming on full force to
supportCCFonmany fronts.Thecompany raised$116,290
at its Hair for Hope satelite event, and Mona became an
‘ambassador’ for CCF when she agreed to be one of the
‘poster girls’ for Hair for Hope 2016. This year, Mona is
featured in the #HumansofCCF, a social media campaign
tomarkCCF’s 25thAnniversary.
K C Ang Senior VP & General Manager,
GLOBALFOUNDRIES Singapore Pte Ltd, said, “My heart
goes to all children with cancer. We are behind them to
give our support. It is heartening to see many employees
coming forward to do their part by joining the hair shave
to help raise funds and others who help to contribute by
donating generously to thisworthy cause.”
Support Hair for
Hope 2017! Logon
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