Year Celebration 2017
On 7 January 2017, CCF ushered in the New Year with
140 children and their families at the Singapore Zoo.
Together withCCFChairpersonMr HoChengHuat, CCF
ExecutiveDirectorMsNeoLayTin, CCF staff, and youths
from CCF’s ClubConnect volunteer group, the children
and their families enjoyed an eventful and fun-filled day
at the Zoo.
In linewithCCF’s25thAnniversary themeof “TogetherWe
AreStronger”, the familiesworked in teams forgamessuch
as “Scavenger Hunt”, where they had to collect everyday
items, and “Scramble”, where they had to form groups
according to various criteria such as height and birth
month. These team-building games helped the families to
bond and interact with each other while having fun.
Thehighlightsof theprogrammewere the “AnimalFashion
Show” and “NewYearHunt”,whereeach teamwas tasked
to dress their ‘model’ as one of the six pre-determined
animals, namely tiger, elephant, wolf, antelope, seal,
and giraffe. While most of the team members fueled
their creativity in assembling the costume, a few
representatives followed clues to find exclusive costume
materials located throughout the Zoo. The competition
was fierce, but the gentle giraffe emerged as the winner
of the FashionShow.
Theevent culminatedwitha luckydraw,where20 families
walked away happily with attractive prizes sponsored by
CCF’s generous partners. Every family also received a
special CCF goodie bag.
ThisNewYear celebrationprovidedaplatform for families
to connect andprepare for a fruitful NewYear ahead, and
it wasmade possiblewith the support of youth volunteers
CCF ClubConnect was formed in March 2014, with the
objective of promoting social interaction, mutual support
and understanding among youth cancer survivors
(aged 13 to 25). From this year, ClubConnect has been
renamed “YouthConnect” (for survivors aged 13 to 25)
and “KidzConnect” has been formed for survivors aged
seven to 12.
CCF would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to
ClubConnect volunteers for their hard work and effort in
planningand implementing thegames for the celebration:
Alex for being theevent’s co-emcee, Sheam for providing
AV support, Yi Jun for being the photographer, and
Kah Huey and Keith for helping with the programme
and logistics.
‘Shine Like Stars!’ was the theme for CCF’s Children’s Camp
2017.The3days2nightscampaimed to reinforce themessage
that every child is special; teach the children about expressing
and giving love; respect and uniqueness of self.
Day One focused on love and respect. It started off with a
variety of group and station games to teach the children
about the different love languages, and how to express love
to their family members, friends and loved ones. Through
another roundof activities, the children learnt about respect for
themselves and for others, including their parents, the elderly
and the environment.
The children were then whisked off to a three-course western
meal cumdiningetiquetteworkshopbyShatec,beforechecking
in to COO Boutique Hostel for a unique stayover experience.
While waiting for their turn to shower, the children made their
own uniquely designed jars to keep special notes and items.
Day Two focused on each child’s uniqueness, and kicked off
types of materials representing different characteristics, and
created something that shouted “ME!” The children then learnt
catwalk moves in preparation for their fashion parade. The
afternoon was a time of fun for the children as they immersed
themselves in a giant playground, and engaged in crafts and
otheractivitiesatCoolDeSac. In theevening, thechildrenwere
given “’VIP treatment”. Seated on beanbags, theywatched the
movie ‘Sing’while snacks anddrinkswere served to them. The
movie ‘Sing’ was chosen to reinforce Day Two’smessage that
each child is unique.
For the camp finale, the
children took part in a fashion parade to showcase
the costumes they have designed. The function room was
decorated with special lighting, glitter and balloons. All eyes
were glued on the red-carpeted runway, titled “Shine like
Stars”, when the children strutted their stuff in front of their
parents whowere invited towatch their children in action. The
camp ended on a high note as each child was presented with
a trophy in an Oscar-style prize presentation ceremony. The
trophy was a tangible reminder to the children that they are
unique and are special stars.
The children had a memorable experience being stars, and
learnt that they are capable of loving, respecting themselves
and others, and that they are unique in their ownways.