Initiated by CCF’s Community Social Work team in 2009,
Photovoice isa therapeuticphotographyproject that integrates
photo interventionsandart therapy. Itutilisespictorial projection
and photographing objects to reconstruct narratives and deal
with different aspects of personal symbolism.
The objective of Photovoice is to help children with cancer
to reflect and express their perceptions, values and insights
about their cancer experience and life.
ThisPhotovoiceExhibitionwill bemakinga stopatAngMoKio
Library inApril 2017.
This exhibition takes viewers on an insightful journey into the
thoughts and feelings triggered by illness and the treatment
process through thephotovoicesof25childhoodcancersurvivors.
Italso featuresartworksdoneby25CCFstakeholders(partners,
donors, beneficiaries, volunteers and staff). These artworks
express the qualities of strength, will and hope embraced by
not just the children with cancer and their families, but also
thosewho have journeyedwith them.
For the Photovoice Exhibition venues, please look out for
updates on our Facebook page
PhotovoicePhotos Takenby
Art Pieces byCCF
Left MyChair
Left my chair to the unknown future. To a future that is
nameless and blurred.
But I still want to look at it with a hopeful heart and
a positive outlook, with a craving just like a new-born
baby instead of fearing the future.
Be eager and hopeful for the future.
Children’sCancer Foundation
Against a backdrop of purple and pink camo print – a
representation of finding strength and love in a battle-
zone, our family stands united with our hands holding
on together.
Pebbles of Strength
Tote Board Group helps to build an Inclusive and
Resilient Community in Singapore, by Giving Hope
to vulnerable groups and Improving Lives of all
Pebbles are associated with strength. The illustration
depicts people with strengths contributing towards the
community in their own uniqueways.
The colourful balloons represent the Inclusive and
Resilient Community. This is the desired outcome of
the Tote Board Group working collaboratively with our
stakeholders and partners, to shape and curate grant
making programmes to benefit the community.
Viewmore photos and art pieces by our youth survivors and stakeholders at our roving exhibition.
Check out our Facebook page for updates on exhibition dates and venues.
I am a snail that lives in a shell
I feel safe and protectedwell
Wide variety of shells in thisworld
Like every boy and girl
Because our shells are so colourful
Everyone thinks they’re beautiful
If my friend asksme theway home
Iwouldsay “Stay inyour shell, all roads lead toRome.”
I am for this special room
Where I can grow and bloom