CCF Tribute Issue 1 2017 - page 16-17

Christmas is a time to give and love.We thought that it was
agreat idea tocollaboratewithCCF toorganiseaChristmas
party cum fundraising event. We took the opportunity to
sharewithour children the importanceof caringandsharing.
Our childrencontributed to thecharitydrivebycreating items
andpreparing food and drinks for sale.
Asapreschool, itwasquitenatural for us tochooseCCFas
the beneficiary of the fundraising event as we wanted our
children to relate to other children of the same age group,
and to think of ways that they could help one another.
For thischaritydrive,weare thankful tohaveverysupportive
parents who donated generously towards this good cause.
Overall, it was ameaningful and funexperience for all of us.
ContributedbyGladysNg, CentreDirector,
MapleBear EducarePte Ltd
MUJI Living in aGardenCity
Lateof lastyear,wehaveconcluded the fundraisingevent
initiated from the re-openingandexpansionofMUJI ION
OrchardSingapore. Eighteen local designersandartists
were invited to create a print for our Organic Cotton
myBags, where 100% nett proceeds from the sales of
the bags were donated toCCF. As wework to promote
a green and sustainable future for Singapore with the
useof eco-bags,wealsoseek tobuildacompassionate
societywhere thosewho requireattentionandhelp from
society receive the support they need.
We count ourselves very fortunate to be alive and
healthy, and we believe that the future lies with the
next generation. Children with cancer often have to
face tremendous challenges, and requires support
from society to pursue their dreams for the future.
With the support and help from charity likeCCF, these
children have the ability to strive for their future.
The Management Corporation on occasion organises
Christmas Parties for their Residents in the estate. This year,
the Management Council decided to add a charity element
to the event so as to bring smile to the less fortunate. As
Christmas is a time for sharing and giving, all ticket sales from
theevent weredonated to theChildren’sCancer Foundation. It
was heartening to see that the spirit of charity wasmuch alive
among the residents of the estate. A total sum of $1,870 was
raised for theChildren’sCancer Foundation.
ContributedbyResidents of CostaDel Sol
Acknowledging this noble cause, we partnered CCF in a
fundraisingeffort to raisechildhoodcancerawareness, and
to encourage more people to step forward in giving their
support to CCF beneficiaries. Thanks to everyone who
have purchased the bags, a total of $15,160was raised!
ContributedbyMUJI (Singapore) Pte Ltd
“Cancer is a painful and scary illness. I personally have seen
family members who fought this illness. Being the wife of a
brain cancer survivor, I understand how this illness not only
bring turmoil on the patient but the caregiver too. My heart
goes out to the children who are fighting this illness at such a
young age.
Christmas is theseasonof giving.Aswecount our blessings,we
wish that our students also do their part in bringing joy to others
and liftingup their spirit. I believe that onesmall candleflamecan
light up an entire room. All of us here in Pro-Teach HongWen
can createabonfireof joy and love for the childrenat Children’s
Cancer Foundation,” saidMsFionaPea, BranchManager.
The proceeds from the carnival were fully donated to CCF.
Our students volunteered enthusiastically to help decorate the
centre and prepare game booths. They contributed creative
ideasandworkedhand inhandwith the teachers toprepare for
thebigday.All inall, organising the fundraisingcarnival forCCF
was such awonderful andmeaningful experience for all of us!
As Christmas is the season of giving, we felt that it was
the perfect opportunity for us to raise funds for CCF and
give back to society. We hope that the funds raised will
make a difference in the lives of CCF’s children!
Nestled within the Telok Ayer Street heritage area is a
traditional shophouse that has been transformed into My
Awesome Café, a place known for heartfelt service, fresh
food, innovative drinks and a palpable energy that can only
come from the spirit of love, joy and togetherness.
“Love has always been part of our offering since day one”,
says Franck Hardy, one of the café’s owners. Franck is a
bespoke hospitality expert whose career includes stints
at The St. Regis Singapore, Quincy, and ONE15 Marina
In 2016, MyAwesomeCafé celebrated the yuletide season
throughABearyAwesome Christmas, a Christmas project
with Children’s Cancer Foundation (CCF) for children with
cancer, who are in need of great love and nurturing.
Franck, together with Bong SC, brand consultant and
partner at My Awesome Café, wanted to spread the
Awesome spirit to more people through Awesome Bear
Buddies, where 58 pre-loved Christmas teddy bears were
displayed around the café for adoption at a special price
“Some of the bears were intentionally hidden, so that our
patrons can hunt for all the bears, and post pictures on
Instagram with the hashtag #ABearyAwesomeChristmas.
All proceeds from this initiativewent toCCF to kickstart an
Awesome 2017.
“You are not alone, and you always have a friend
through ups and downs” is the message from My
AwesomeCafé to thechildren.Weknowour customers
would help in raising funds, and this could become a
yearly affair. In the future, we would love to play a role
in employing or training survivors for better integration
into the working and social life, while being coached
and guided by a dedicated and loving team. CCF calls
them Survivors; we shall promote them to become
AwesomeSurvivors!” saidBong.
On top of the pre-loved Christmas teddy bears, other
Christmas itemswerealsoonoffer at thecaféduring the
Christmas period. Priced from $3 to $20, the proceeds
from these special items alsowent towardsCCF.
ContributedbyAwesomeCafe Team
AwesomeBeary forAwesomeBuddy
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