CCF Tribute Issue 1/2018 - page 18-19

GoSweet for
For the second year in a row,
Artisan Boulangerie Co. (ABC)
showed its support for the
Children’s Cancer Foundation
through the sales of its Hope
Éclair, an exclusive CCF-
themed pastry. With 70% of the
proceeds donated to CCF, ABC
raised a total of $4,600.87 in
support of children and families
impactedby cancer.
Hope Éclair was sold at
seven ABC outlets between 6
September and6October 2017.
It also coincided with Children’s
Day, celebrated on the first
Friday of October inSingapore.
These delicious, fresh-baked
pastries aremadewith a classic
éclair choux shell, lemon cream
and toppedwithacandiedflower
reminiscent of theCCF tulip.
Manager,MsCammieNeo, said
the partnership was an exciting
opportunity for ABC customers
and employees to support
a worthy cause. “The Hope
Éclair is a ‘sweet’ way to raise
awareness of CCF and their
mission to improve the quality
of life of children with cancer
and their families. ABC is proud
to support the communities we
serve,” sheadded.
Contributor: CammieNeo,
MarketingManager, Zest Group
contribute toCCF”
Birthdays are special; they’re all
about gifts that come in colourful
wrapperswaiting tobe tornapart to
reveal a new toy, book or a special
something to create memories.
10th birthdays are even more
special, as one gets “promoted” to
adouble-digit age.
To make the year 2017 extra
special, my parents Suchismita
and Arnab, and I decided to
us, even if we did not know them
personally. As such, instead of
buying presents for my 10th
birthday, family and friends were
told tomake a donation to CCF to
support thegood cause, alongwith
the wishes for a great year and
blessings for goodhealth.
We were inspired by a friend who
had done similar fundraising for
different causes last year. By doing
this, we hope to touch lives and
share the joy–asmall step thatmay
helpbringsmiles tomorechildren.
The encouragement left us with a
huge sense of fulfilment. We are
grateful to our family and friends
for raising$2,500 for CCF.
Contributor: RehanBanerjee,
Grade 4 student
Community Partnerships
Mr TaysupportsChildren’s
Cancer Foundation
I retired in2017at theageof67.Mypassions include running full42km
marathons and supporting children with cancer. During my fourth
StandardChartered full 42kmmarathon, I decided todedicate the run
to three groups of people: Childrenwith cancer, their caregivers and
I had aCCF poster pinned to the back of my T-shirt. Therewere five
other runners who gave me a thumbs up and clapped to cheer me
on. I was glad that with the poster, at least five people had come
to know about CCF. Because of this run, I’m even more thankful
that I managed to raise $5,800 from friends and ex-colleagues who
graciously donated in support of CCF.
Apart from themonetarydonations, I hope the runhascreatedgreater
awareness formore people to come onboard to support theworks of
CCFand its beneficiaries.
In this run, I raised$138per kilometreand I encourageother runners
to exceed this record and raise more funds in the near future. Last
but not least, I want to thankmy friends, ex-colleagues and CCF for
making this donationdrivea success.
Contributor:Mr TayYongHung, Retiree / CCFvolunteer
Lessons from
School House
Little Green House and School
House By The Garden, two of
the preschools operated by
Global EduHub Pte Ltd, held their
fundraising carnival on 27 January
2018 and raised $4,890 in support
of CCF.
TheK1 classwas unusually gooey
and sticky with the boys mixing
and stirring colourful mixtures
in large bowls. The girls took on
the important task of pouring the
mixture into silicone moulds, while
teachers shuffled between tray
loads of Jelloand the freezer.
The children then carefully packed
these homemade jellies into clear
plasticbags,whichweresoldat the
carnival to raise funds to better the
lives of childrenwith cancer.
Contributor: Keith Kwai, Marketing
Manager, Global EduHubPteLtd
auction insupport of
On 10 October 2017, Singapore
Management University (SMU)
School of Information Systems
Master of IT in Business (MITB)
10th anniversary with a dinner at
the Rendezvous Hotel. Faculty
members, alumni, students, staff,
industry and university partners
were invited for thespecial occasion.
A charity drivewas initiatedwith the
aim of helping Children’s Cancer
Foundation. In a bid to canvass
for funds, faculty and staff were
encouraged to donate personal
items for the fundraising event.
The appeal drew generous and
passionate responses with donated
items such as wine, paintings and
other memorabilia. Thereafter, a
silent auction was held during the
event, with multiple bids made
across theboard for the items.
The ‘mane’ event, in relation to
the SMU tangram lion, was a live
auction of an SMU campus painting
kindly donated by SMU President
Professor Arnoud De Meyer. The
auction saw a lively session where
participants tried to outbid one
another with a final winning bid
of $2,500. All proceeds from the
auction went towards helping the
CCF. SMU MITB office would like
to take this opportunity to thank all
donors who have participated and
expressedenthusiasm in this charity
Contributor: Singapore
Management UniversitySchool of
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