Dream for
while carrying
our dear ones
close toour
That was the key take-home
message for participantsat CCF’s
new parent-support group for
bereaved caregivers.
Love Continues adopts an
open group concept to promote
acceptance alongside other
bereaved caregiverswhoarealso
in the grieving process. In the
first session on 16 January 2018,
LoveContinues kickstartedwitha
vision board activity for parents to
share theirdreamsandaspirations
for the coming year as thedemise
of a family member might have
abruptly derailed theseplans.
Creative arts is used as a
therapeutic tool in the programme
to help bereaved caregivers cope
with the painful loss of their child
while reconstructing thecontinuing
bondwith their lovedones.
In addition, Love Continues
provides bereaved caregivers
witha support system through the
sharingof similarexperiencesand
allows the forging of friendship
among the caregivers.
Love Continues is held once
a month and participants may
attend any of the sessions
throughout the year. Bereaved
parents are welcomed to join the
support group meetings that are
heldonamonthly basis - typically
onTuesdayevenings from7pm to
9pm at CCFCommunity Office in
Formoreenquiries, please
contact CCFSocialWork
AssociateMsLimAiyuat 6297
0203or 97226821or email
Did you know that the gold ribbon is a symbolic
representation of childhood cancer awareness and
support?Just ashowgoldbecomesstronger and tougher
when heated, children with cancer develop resilience
when overcoming the difficult and painful challenges in
their battleagainst cancer.
International Childhood Cancer Day (ICCD) is
commemorated annually on 15 February. Founded by
Childhood Cancer International (CCI) in 2002, it is a
global collaborative campaign to raise awareness about
childhood cancer and toexpress support for childrenwith
cancer, the survivors and their families.
This year, CCF featured four of our stakeholders’ stories
onFacebookacknowledging theeffortsof the community
in supporting childrenwith cancer.
Scanhere to visit our
Humans of CCFmicrosite:
CelesteLeePhuayBoon, Survivor
exhibitions islandwide to read
all 25 stories. Followuson
Facebookor Instagram for the
full list of upcoming exhibition
AssociateProfessorChanMei Yoke
Christopher Tay, IchiroFilms
IreneLim, Caregiver
Giveagiftof love!Youcancontribute toCCF’s fundraising
efforts and show your support for children with cancer
and their families by purchasing gold ribbon collar pins.
Theymakegreat gifts too!
Headover to
for the full list of
merchandise. Tomake apurchaseor findoutmore,
dodropus an email at
contact our team at 6229 3764 / 6229 3738.
CCFgold ribbon
collar pins for sale
Collage of the participants’ visions
and plans.