For theseventhyear running,
LeeHwa Jewellery launched
its Christmas collection in
support of Children’s Cancer
From 24 November to 26
December 2017, the leading
jeweller helped to raise funds
for CCF by contributing part
of its proceeds from the
sale of the Forevermark
Endlea collection, whichwas
launchedwith theirChristmas
collection. Forevermark, part
of The De Beers Group of
Companies, is committed
to the preservation and
protection of habitats as
well as social development
of local communities. Lee
similar beliefs and wants to
contribute to the welfare of
these youngbeneficiaries.
Through this campaign,
Lee Hwa Jewellery raised a
total of $2,053.49 for CCF
to express support and
improve the quality of life of
childrenwithcancerand their
Contributor: LeeHwa
When it comes to corporate social responsibilityanddoinggood,
it seems that there is oftenamistakennotion that it is something
only largemulti-national corporations canafford.
At the Warren Condo, we believe in being socially responsible
and the importance of giving back to the community. Thus, the
theme for our Residents’ Day held on 21 January 2018 was
“Giving and Sharing Together”. Giving is a manifestation of
our personal fullness. As we give, we experience the magic of
generosity. A total of $1,997.80 was raised in support of CCF
and we were heartened to receive the strong support from the
residents. Iwould like to thankeveryone formaking this inaugural
charity event a successful one!
Contributed by:WillieSoh, Secretary of 12thManagement
Council; Overall-in-charge for theResidents’Day 2018
YinYoga for aCause
Mindfulness Yin Yoga Charity Class
was held on 4 February 2018 with 33 yoga practitioners in
attendance.Pricedat $38per student, the fees for thisclasswere
donated to CCF to aid children with cancer. Including outright
cashdonations, the total amount raised for CCFwas $1,510.
The class also had a meditation session which brought some
calmness to everyone. We would like to thank all supporters,
includingMsSallyPhang, JensenOngandBryanNg formaking
this fundraisinga success.
Contributor: YogaPlus andMaster Trainer ChrisSu
Nom Nom Plush (NNP) embarked on our
first CSR project in 2017 as part of our
efforts togiveback to thecommunity.Aswe
ploughed through the list of charities, we
decided tonominateCCFas thebenefiting
charityorganisationbecauseof its focuson
restoringhope for childrenwithcancer.This
is verymuch in linewithNNP’s philosophy
of bringing joy to the community.
and gained a better understanding of
the fundraising mechanics of organising
a charity drive in Singapore. While the
process was not painless, CCF made the
experience seamless - we were properly
guided on the process and assisted along
the way. In the midst of the frenzy, we
also had a better appreciation of how our
government safeguardspublic funds raised
through charitydrives.
The day of our fundraising was an
experience of our lifetime! But what
struck us most was when we observed
a mother explaining to her children the
purpose of CCF and how their donation
would contribute to the betterment of
other children’s lives. It was the most
heartwarmingmoment of our day.
NNP is inspired to continue contributing to
the community in 2018 and beyond. We
will continue to adopt CCF as our charity
of choice because of itsmeaningful cause
anddedicated staff!
Carnival byKiddiwinkie
In conjunction with the theme of “The Magical World of Hogwarts”,
Kiddiwinkie Schoolhouse @ Newton was transformed into an
enchanting and mythical place with witches and broomsticks flying
around the school on28October 2017.
Together, the teachers set up a total of five activity areas around the
school:Witches’ andWizards’ CraftingDungeon (Craft area),Witches’
and Wizards’ Play Hall (Games area), Witches’ and Wizards’ Dining
Hall (Buffet Area), Witches’ andWizards’ Dance Hall and The Sorting
Hat. Themost popular activitywas held at theDanceHall (gym room),
where the teachers gathered the parents and children at 10am, 11am
and12pm foramassdance.Thenextmost popularareawas theDining
Hall where everyone enjoyed a feast whipped up by the teachers and
theKiddiwinkie in-house chef!
Everyonewasextremelyhappy to learn thatwehadsuccessfully raiseda
total of $2,466.50 for CCF.We genuinely hope that our contributions can
make a difference in the lives of childrenwith cancer and their families. It
hasbeena rewardingand funexperience for us!
Contributor: Teacher Si Min, LeadEnglishTeacher, Kiddiwinkie
Community Partnerships