Hair forHope
2018 logo
Hair for Hope is back!
Theconcept behind thisyear’sHair forHope logo is inspired
by the children’s playground. A playground is a designated
area for children to play and is arguably their happy place.
But for childrennewly diagnosedwith cancer, they areoften
deprivedof trips to theplaygroundduring theactive treatment
phase because of hospitalisation and their compromised
Hospitalisation and cancer treatment can be a traumatic
periodanda journeyof uncertaintyfilledwithpainfulmedical
procedures for CCFbeneficiaries. Hence, they areprovided
with a different type of play space to help them cope with
their cancer experience.
At CCF, we offer children with cancer therapeutic play
or specialised developmentally supportive activities to
facilitate the emotional well-being of the child. It engages
the child through the natural and spontaneous process of
play; using play as a tool to help the child master social,
physical, emotional andcognitivedevelopmentalmilestones
and respond more effectively to challenging and critical
experiences such as a diagnosis of cancer. Therapeutic
playcan takemany formssuchasmedical play, puppet play,
Therapeutic play group creates an environment where
children, apart from being able to find expression and
releasepent-upemotionsandstress, findsupport fromother
children in similar situations. It helps to reduce their feelings
of isolation as they interact with one another through use of
This year, we hope to encourage at least 6,500
participants to join our cause and raise $3.6 million to
aid children and families impacted by cancer. The two-
dayHair for Hopemain event will takeplace at VivoCity
Central CourtAandB from28 to 29 July 2018.
Sneak peek:
Every shavenhead at
Hair for Hope represents
theunderstandingby an
individual of theordeals
that achildwith cancer is
subjected to.
To joinus as ashavee,
satellitepartner or
volunteer, visit
or dropus an email at
Scan here to visit our
Hair for Hopewebsite:
We Are Recruiting!
Formerly known as ClubSurvivor and renamed
CCF YouthConnect in 2017, the Programme aims
to promote social interaction, mutual support and
understanding among youth cancer survivors aged
between 13 and 35.
Through thoughtfully planned activities, youths get to
explore their self-identity, development andgrowth. It
also creates opportunities for the youths to socialise
through interactions with their peers at gatherings
and outings.
The youths have gone on several adventures
together in 2017, such as air rifle shooting, laser tag,
SeventureHunt and participated in baking sessions.
In addition, the youths are encouraged to give back
to thecommunity. Theyareofferedvolunteering roles
such as emcees, photographer, event planners and
logistics support personnel at CCFevents.
If this sounds interesting to you, joinus today
asaYouthConnectmember! Tofindoutmore,
do contact CCFAssistant Senior SocialWorker
MsKwokYokeWahat 6229 3750or 9722 6820or