Giving back to our community is
part of the Drew&Napier DNAand
children’s charities is one of the
componentsof ourCorporateSocial
Responsibility (CSR) programme.
Hence, it camenaturally topickCCF
as the selectedbeneficiary.
On 2 December 2017, Drew
& Napier held a party titled
Superhero Christmas 2017 for
CCF beneficiaries. The programme
included pre-event games and
magic show, as well as a salsa
performance by one of CCF’s
beneficiaries, Jadyn. It was our
pleasure to host the beneficiaries
and their family members to a
sumptuous lunch at One Farrer
Hotel, as well as present the
children with Christmas presents of
their choice.
Contributor: Foo Yuet Min, Director,
DisputeResolution, Drew&Napier
2017 “ToyRun”
SingaporeChapter’s2017 “ToyRun”
tookplaceat theHarley-Davidsonof
Singapore (HDS) showroom on 9
December 2017.
The “ToyRun” isHOG’smajor annual
and traditional fundraising event.
It is organised to bring smiles and
donations toaidchildren inneed. The
HOG committee with the support of
itsmembers, aswell asHDS, helped
to organise the event for Harley-
Davidson bikers, friends and CCF
familieswhoaccepted the invitation.
The HOG committee members
also donated individual gifts that
were later handed over to CCF
beneficiaries through Santa Claus.
The “Vokatones” kindly entertained
all guests with a mesmerising
acapella performance and HDS
provided a Christmas-themed lunch
for all riders andguests.
Market Singapore® organised
a pre-Christmas outing for the
beneficiaries of Children’s Cancer
Foundation on 17 December 2018.
With the help of Market Singapore®
staff and volunteers, the children
were treated to amemorable day at
Christmas goodie bags with
delightful treats were handed out
to the kids. These goodie bags
were made possible through the
support of UnFranchise Owners’
The children were brought to the
“Circus! Science under the Big
Top” exhibition, where they had fun
participating in the exciting indoor
activities. During lunch, they enjoyed
a hearty meal at Coffee Bee Café.
The highlight for the kids were the
specially arranged magic show and
balloon sculpting session. The day
ended with each child receiving a
surprise lucky draw gift and glittering
tattoos on their hands. It was such
a joyful experience, which brought
smilesand laughter to thechildren.
Contributor: JesleenOng, Sales
Executive (Communications&
Marketing), Market Singapore®
Social & Recreational Activities
Sharing the joy
On 22 December 2017, Keller
Foundations (S E Asia) Pte Ltd
(Keller) organisedaSamsuiWomen
Clay Art Workshop for 21 CCF
beneficiaries and their siblings.
During theworkshop, teachers from
Open SesameAcademy shared the
story of Samsui women who made
great contributions to Singapore’s
early development, especially when
it came tobuildinghouses.
The children learnt that Samsui
women wore a red cloth hat
) at work, which became
their trademark. The children also
enjoyed bonding with their parents
through making Samsui women
keychainswith clay.
After the workshop, Managing
Director Mr Yee Yew Weng
of $950 that was raised from the
Keller staff. All participants were
invited to a buffet reception and
games with the Keller staff. Each
child received a goodie bag and
Theevent was a success andKeller
volunteers were delighted to see
the joy and enthusiasm from CCF
beneficiaries and their families.
Contributor: RosalindLeong,
PersonalAssistant toDirector, Keller
Foundations (SEAsia) PteLtd
On top of the wonderful time that
everyone had that day, it is worth
mentioning that the HOGmembers
and friends showed their generosity
through cash donations. They
also purchased HOG pins for their
leather vests, where 100% of the
gross proceeds from the sales of
thesepinswas donated toCCF.
A total of $2,880 was raised from
this event in support of childrenwith
Contributor: Michael Neuling,
ActivityOfficer of HarleyOwners
CCFwould like toexpress
our heartfelt gratitude to
the following corporate
partners for organising
the following social and
recreational activities for our
M1Limited for inviting
our beneficiaries toa
movieoutingat Filmgarde
Cineplex towatchCars3
on2September 2017.
Theatre for invitingour
beneficiariesand their
families to theUpstairs in
November 2017.
RocheSingapore for
workshop for our
November 2017.