Hospital events
Christmas joyby
Volunteers fromSINDAbrought festive cheer to
the childrenat CCF@KKHby conductinganart
workshop on 22 December 2017. They spent
the morning making meaningful Christmas
crafts suchasaDIYsnowglobe that wasmade
from scratch using materials like Christmas
ornaments, glycerin and glitter. We thank
SINDA for the fun-filled event that brought joy
to thewards!
Pawprint cookiesatCCF@KKH
Baking is one of the well-loved events at CCF@KKH as the children are able to indulge in their
baked goods after a session of hardwork. On 5 January 2018, we conducted a paw print cookies
workshop for our beneficiaries. Caregiverswerealso roped in tohelpmould cookies into the shape
of apawprint. Thewait for thesedeliciouscookies to turngoldenbrownkept thechildrendizzywith
delight. Not long after, the highly anticipated cookies were removed from the oven, much to the
pleasureof CCFbeneficiaries and their families.
11 CCF children accompanied by
their family members, participated
in a tote bag painting workshop
International (OMI) Singapore on 8
September 2017.
Held at CaféMelba at theGoodman
ArtsCentre, itwasa fun-filledsession
which saw children and adults alike
unleashing their creativity.
Art instructors from Lionheart
Studios were invited to facilitate the
workshop. The helpful instructors
gave the children with some ideas
and taught them different painting
While the children were busy
painting, the staff of OMI had a
chance to speakwith the caregivers
andgain insights into thechallenges
of attending to a child with cancer.
It was heartening to see how the
family members had persevered
through the difficulties with much
After lunch, the children enjoyed the
sunny weather by playing football
with theOMI staff in the field next to
the café. The event ended around
1pm and everyone left with a big
smileandanew totebag.
Contributor: EdwardTang,
MarketingManager, OldMutual
Power of 14
On5November 2017, 14volunteers
fromPowerof14organiseda “WOW
Day” to inspire the CCF children in
discovering the endless possibilities
for themselves, as well as to build
their confidence in expressing their
feelings. The S&R event is part of
Power of 14’s leadership curriculum
to plan and run a team community
The day was packed with a wide
variety of funactivities, startingwitha
were then ushered to the Red Pen
Restaurant, where they enjoyed an
educationalmagic showperformance
The highlight of the event was at
MarinaBarrage, which turned into a
zoo for aday. TheWildlifeReserves
of Singapore graciously agreed to
bring over 11 animals comprising
rabbits, ferrets and hedgehogs for
the children to interact with.
The children then drew their
favourite animals on the kites,
symbolizing their dreams and goals
for the future.
Contributor: TangSooYin, on
behalf of Power of 14
Responsibility Day (CSR) 2017 has
continued the success of our tradition
inGiving, Growing andGuiding. This
year, Vita Coco Singapore partnered
with Children’s Cancer Foundation
for the second time in itseffort togive
back to thesociety.
Held on 23 November 2017,
emphasised the importance of
farming and its effects on our daily
life. Children in Singapore might be
less familiar with farming due to the
scarcity of land in theLionCity.
Together with Bollywood Veggies,
Vita Coco Singapore crafted a half-
dayprogramme tobring the concept
of farming closer to the children,
while incorporating an element of
funandmost importantly, coconuts!
Contributor: PhamThuHa,
Business andProjectAnalyst,
APAC, VitaCocoSingapore
Social & Recreational Activities