CCFEducationAwards 2017
89 students walked away with scholarships, bursaries and achievement awards at
the annual CCFEducationAwards on 3 June 2017.
The award ceremony, formerly known as theCCFBack-to-School awards, was held
at theKKWomen’s andChildren’sHospital Auditorium. Started in 2010, the scheme
aims to help and encourage childrenwho have returned to school within the first five
formal schooling years upon completion of their cancer treatment.
It has since expanded to include achievement awards for children and youths who
dowell in national examinations or polytechnic/university final year examinations.
Among the 89 recipients were 39 students received theAchievement Awards, while
bursaries, scholarships and good progress awards were given out to another 50
CCF chairman Ho Cheng Huat, who presented the awards, commended the
recipients for their sheer tenacity and can-do attitude. “Going back to school after a
long absence is difficult but it is not impossible. Your presence today has proved it,”
he said. “We hope this awardwill motivate you to excel inwhatever you set out to do
in the future.”
Once again, heartiest congratulations to all the award recipients.
CCF’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on
3 June 2017 at the KKWomen’s and Children’s Hospital
The itemson theagendaof theAGM included theapproval
of theAnnual Report and theFinancial Statements for the
year ended 31 December 2016 and the election of Office
Membersalsoapproved the intended restructuringofCCF
fromasociety toaCompanyLimitedbyGuarantee (CLG).
TheManagement Committee of 2017/2018:
Chairperson: Mr HoChengHuat
Vice-Chairperson: Ms BernadetteNg
Vice-Chairperson: MrWongYue Jeen
HonSecretary: MsNancy Thio
HonTreasurer: MsCaroline Lim JooPeng
MsQuak SeeTen
Ms Emily Sim
Dr ChongTsungWen
Dr Gilbert Fan
Mr MohHonMeng
Mr Benedict Leh
Mr GoAshokhMenon
Mr Stanley Lim
CCFAnnual General Meeting