CCF Tribute Issue2 2017 - page 5

Objects such as fallen hair and dust are itemswe dispose
of on a daily basis in our homes. But for CCF beneficiary
GillianChen, these insignificant itemswere turned into an
exhibition, titled
Built on her intrigue with transitions and the debris left
behind in their course, Gillian’s works endeavoured to
question and reflect upon the sentiments towards these
neglected “artefacts”.
Apart fromhair anddust, theVisualArtsgraduate from the
School of the Arts, Singapore (SOTA), also incorporated
flakingwall paints, pre-loved clothes and her collection of
birthday greeting cards in this exhibition.
FromGillian’spointofview,bypulping lettersofappreciation
and postcards into plain greeting cards, she voided them
of their prior sentiments and made them reusable again.
Clothes which signified “metaphorical representations of
herself” were cut and weaved into a large piece of fabric
to commemorate the significance of her discarded clothes
and the past selves they embodied.
Held from 9 to 16 April 2017,
– Gillian’s first solo
art exhibition –was part of CCF’s Legacy BuildingProject
which aims to provide a positive and creative way for the
beneficiaries and their families to make meaning of the
cancer journey, and facilitate resilience in adversity.
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