CCF congratulates Ms Ng Hwee Chin, Head of Direct
Service on her receiving the Healthcare HumanityAward
(Intermediate and Long Term Care (ILTC) category)
on 25 April 2017. The annual ceremony paid tribute to
healthcare workers who exemplified exceptional qualities
and dedication in helping others.
In one particular case, Hwee Chin journeyed with a child
who suffered from end stage Acute Myeloid Leukaemia.
Knowing that the boy’s final wish was to celebrate
Christmas, HweeChin bought aChristmas tree and set it
up with trimmings and lightings in his house even though
it was earlyNovember.
She went on to tell the child that he would “be the first
in Singapore to see Christmas lightings” that year,
fulfilling his wishes. HweeChin later continued to provide
bereavement support to the family and even managed
to secure sponsors to support the client’s sister in her
attempt to retake her ‘O’ levels.
“It ismy honour to be given the opportunity to accompany
the patients and their families in their cancer journey,”
saidHweeChin. “Each interactionwith themhasmadean
impact onmy self-development.”
Sheadded thatwith theyoungpatientsand families taking
on the role as her life coach, it has helped in her social
work, guiding her to be amore proficient helper.
“I dedicate this award to those whom I’ve crossed path
with,” HweeChin said. “This award recognises the painful
battle that our patients and families face and it signifies
the importance of social work with these individuals at
She elaborated: “This is very important as it is often
very challenging to attract new social workers into the
paediatrics healthcare field. Many often find it unbearable
when they see children in pain as they undergo medical
procedures. But it would be worse if the child does not
respond to treatment.”
As the head of direct service at CCF, Hwee Chin always
ensure that her team is equipped with the necessary
aptitude and skillsets to meet the needs of the children
and their families.
“This award also belongs to my entire team in CCF who
courageously deal with the emotionally draining aspect of
their job requirements inorder to support our beneficiaries
in their cancer journey,” addedHweeChin.
CCF-VIVAFamily Learning
Exchange 2017
Jointly organised by CCF and VIVA Foundation
on4March2017, theCCF-VIVAFamilyLearning
Exchange was held in conjunction with the
St.Jude-VIVAForum2017.Asa longstanding
learning partner of St. Jude-VIVA Forum since
2006, CCF supports the continuous training and
education of local doctors, nurses and allied
health professionals at the forum.
The topics covered at the Forum included
“Adolescent Programme&Care in theHospital”,
“Why Transition of Care is Important for
AdolescentswithCancer?”, “PlanningTransition
of Care” and “Transiting toSchool &Beyond”.
A total of 32 participants attended the forum,
and they engaged in a discussion with a panel
of paediatric oncology experts comprising Dr
Steward J. Kellie fromTheChildren’sHospital at
Dr Mary Verughese from theNational University
Hospital, Dr Oh Jean Yin and Dr Prasad Iyer
fromKKWomen’s andChildren’sHospital.
CCF would like to thank all speakers and
panellists for taking time to share their expertise
and knowledge at the CCF-VIVA Family