CCF Tribute Issue2 2017 - page 7

made each family special. With prizes to be won, both
children and parents worked together with enthusiasm
and dedication in brainstorming ideas and creating
their piece.
Finally, each family strutted down the red carpet and
presented their completed masterpiece. Hearts were
warmed as families shared inspiring reflections, stories
and strengths about their family. Topping it all was the
prize ceremony where everyone cheered as each family
collected their prize. It was a fun and heartfelt experience
for the families. Ultimately, the best prize was the
strengthened bonds between them.
On 18 March 2017, CCF carried out a second run of
10 families comprising siblings and children impacted by
cancer and their parents coming together for a “heart-to-
heart” time. Through a series of interactive game stations,
the “Hearts Connect” workshop aimed to strengthen
the parent-child bond between the children and parents
amidst the impacts of cancer.
The concepts of spending quality time, trusting one
another and expressing lovewere explored at each game
station. It allowed the families to discover and rediscover
what bonded them together. There was a mixture of
excitement and fulfillment as they participated in the
activities, ranging from going on a blindfolded obstacle
course, creating “LoveCubes” tocompleting tele-matches.
After each station, the familieswere given a sticker with a
heartfelt quoteas remindersof the valuable lessons learnt
on familial love.
After lunch, the families were invited to create a “family
masterpiece” that encompassed the unique qualities that
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