CCF Tribute Issue2 2017 - page 13

Storytelling at CCF@NUH
One of our latest enrichment activities at CCF@NUH is to
incorporate play into storytelling to entice children to read
story books. On 16 February 2017, a group of CCF Play
Personnel read the popular and engaging story - “The
VeryHungryCaterpillar” to our children.
Tomake the storymore interesting, each child was given
a few tubs of playdough and some toy foods. As the story
progressed, the children used the playdough to form
their own caterpillar and butterfly. The younger children
learnt to identify food using the toy foods, while the older
kids used their creativity and the playdough to knead
their “food”.
The volunteers also prepared real fruits for children to
feel the texture and smell them. The older children were
so enticed by the story that they listened to it repeatedly.
After the session, somewere even able to recite the story
on their own!
Clay potterymaking at
Our children at CCF@
NUHenjoyparticipating in
avarietyof artsandcrafts
activities. On 14 March
2017, we introduced clay
and pottery making to
them at the playroom.
Playdough allows the
children to practise
their fine motor skills
and provides a great
opportunity for the children to get creative and have fun.
The childrenwere tasked tomake a clay bowl.
They kneaded, pinched and moulded the clay into a
bowl shape, under the patient guidance of the instructor,
before finishing off with a fish design on their bowls.
After 1.5 hours of focused attention and hard work, the
children completed their art work and brought home
their masterpiece.
Tart baking activity at
It was baking session at CCF@NUH once again! On 21March 2017, the children experimentedwith baking peach tarts.
Each childwas providedwith a set of ingredients tomake the tarts from scratch.
Donning their red aprons, the children cut the butter and kneaded them together with flour and sugar. They then rolled
the dough into round balls before placing them onto the baking tray.
While thechildrenwaitedpatiently for the tarts tobebaked, peacheswerediced intosmaller pieces tobeplacedon topof
the tarts. Theexcitement of the childrengrewas the fragranceof thebaked tarts filled the room.At theendof theactivity,
the children packed their golden brown peach tarts into boxes and brought them home.
Easter Goodies Fun! at CCF@KKH
On 6 April 2017, we had the pleasure of having Tinkle Arts Academy at KKH to indulge our children in clay
crafting fun. Childrenwere taught how tomakeEaster goodies such and ‘Mother Hen’ and ‘BabyChick’ using
child-safe clay.
The rewarding session conducted by two facilitators from Tinkle Art Academy brought loads of fun to the
children as they pinched andmoulded the clay into various objects.
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