Hari RayaPuasa celebration
Hari Raya Puasa is a timewhenMuslims come together to
celebrateandmark theendof theholymonthof Ramadan.
This joyous festival also helps strengthen the relationship
between family members and friends who have not seen
eachother fora long time, reminding themof the importance
of unity andbonding.
On28July2017,CCF invitedSlightlyScarlet fromSMU tohold
aHari Raya celebration at PALSwhere students could learn
andunderstand the local cultureand traditions. For instance,
the volunteersplanneda seriesof ‘kampong’ games suchas
Chapteh, five stones,marblesandpaper frog competition for
the students to immerse in the traditional games that were
popular among children in the kampongdays.
The students enjoyed themselves and went home that
day embracing the festivities of our Muslim community
Apart from taking care of the emotional well-being of
their children, fathers also play the role of caregivers
and disciplinarians. To honour fathers, PALS arranged
for a brainstorming session for the children to show their
appreciation to their fathers.
Agroupof enthusiastic volunteers fromSlightlyScarlet from
SMU visited PALS on 16 June 2017 and provided students
with various craft materials to work on their personalised
The roomwas filled with gasps of delight and enthusiastic
chatters as the students began assembling their craft. The
purpose of this activity was to let students understand that
one does not need to spend a fortune on extravagant gifts
tomake someone feel special. It is the thought that counts.
As it was a tradition to give fathers neckties for Father’s
Day, volunteers handed out tie-shaped cutouts – with trivia
questions adhered behind – for the students to attach to
their cards. These questions, such as “What is your father’s
favouritehobby?”,werecrafted to increase family interaction.
Students were also treated to a shrink plastic craft session
tomakekeychains.Drawing their keychainson theA4-sized
plastic sheet, the students then decorated and coloured
their drawings beforeplacing them in the oven.
In less than a minute, the plastic shrank to a palm-sized
keychain,much to thedelight of thestudents.Alongwith the
DIY Father’s Day cards, the students brought home their
keychains in happy spirits.
A take-away: A gift is not valued by howmuch it costs but
often, it is the thought that counts!
Father’sDay celebration