Ever heard of batik printing? Batik is a Javanese
method of producing designs on fabric by using a
wax resist.
Cak Cak Kuti, an educational programme that
weaves learning with language and culture, was
held in PALS on 21 June 2017 to teach students
batikprinting, which canbea formof therapeuticart.
Thestudentsexploreddifferent techniquesof colour-
blending and studied the creative expressions on
the fabric that are influenced by religious, moral and
ethical values of the artist.
Themotifsandpatternof thebatik is inspiredbyflora
and fauna, and their style or colour is influenced by
different regions or foreign influences. The students
agreed that the session has increased their cultural
The students brought home their art pieces to be
displayed at home – a good way to share what
they’ve learnt to their parents. PALS would like to
thankCakCakKuti for the fun-filled class!
Mushroom cultivationworkshop
Did you know that mushroom is a fungi and not a
plant? It needs oxygen like you and I to grow!
AgrivoMycosciences is a local agriculture business
that aims to provide people with quality and
fresh mushroom harvests. The mushrooms are
organically grown and pesticide free, which they
pride themselves for.
Representatives from Agrivo Mycosciences
conducted a workshop on mushroom cultivation
for PALS students on 28 July 2017. The students
thoroughlyenjoyed the talkandwereamazedby the
speaker’s knowledge.
During the session, the students learnt about
mushroom cultivation in farms and the edible
species, such as Grey Oyster Mushrooms, Royal
AbaloneMushroomandBlack Jelly Fungus.
Mushroomcultivationkitswerealsohandedout to the
students, kindly sponsoredbyAgrivoMycosciences.
The kits are easy to care for, as long as the plants
are showeredwith loveand attention.
We thank Philbert Khoo and Janson Tan of Agrivo
Mycosciences for their time and effort in conducting