Hari Raya celebration
CCF@NUH held a baking session on 5 July 2017 for our
children to soak up the Hari Raya atmosphere and enjoy
the festivities.Many of themwereexcited to celebrateHari
Raya and bakewith their peers.
At the start of the session, every childwas handed a set of
ingredients and they followed the instructions closely asour
staff whippedup thedelicious pastries.
Satisfied with their baked goods, our children made a few
morebatches and shared themwith others!
Mother’sDay celebration
There isnothingbetter than receivingahandmadegift from
yourbelovedchild.Toexpress their loveandgratitude,CCF
beneficiariesmouldedclay jewellery togift theirmotherson
9 June 2017. Instructors from TinkleArt n Crafts patiently
guided the children to shapeand carve the intricatedetails
of the pendant. The pendants were given vibrant splash
of colours before they were presented to the inspiring,
selflessand strongmothers.What ameaningful activity for
our CCF beneficiaries!
On14 June2017, volunteers fromCitibank conductedart
and craft activities for our beneficiaries who were tasked
tomakea trophyout of recycledmaterials for their fathers
as part of Father’s Day celebration. CCF beneficiaries
also decorated the trophywith sequins and stickers.
Someof theparents joined in theactivityand itwasagreat
bonding session for our beneficiaries and caregivers.We
thankCitibank for the thoughtful art and craft workshop!
Volunteers fromCitibank held an art workshop at CCF@
KKH on 12 June 2017, ahead of Father’s Day. Several
activities were specially catered to the different age
groups of our beneficiaries, so that they couldall have an
opportunity to participate in theworkshop.
Childrenwere guided by theCitibank volunteers tomake
‘Best Dad Trophies’ and ‘Origami Shirt Cards’. It was
fun-filled session for our beneficiaries. Moreover, it held
special meaning to the children as the handicraft were
presented to their fathers at the end of the session.
The volunteers also prepared some goodie bags for
our beneficiaries and gifted the caregivers with Citibank
souvenirs. Special thanks toCitibankSingapore!