CCF Tribute 2017 Issue3 - page 12

Youth survivorsengage inHeartsongs
As part of CCF’s Expressive Arts Therapy Programme, a
songwriting andmusic compositionworkshop, HeartSongs,
was launched thisyear toprovidechildhoodcancersurvivors
an opportunity to tell their stories about cancer.
Through expressive arts modalities, such as music and
songwriting, youth survivors are able to narrate in a safe
therapeutic environment.
Five youth survivors participated in the first run of
HeartSongs, which comprised five sessions. CCF
Expressive Arts Therapist Cheryl Lee facilitated the first
session and a songwriting instructor was engaged in the
subsequent sessions to help the youths review and explore
their cancer journey and to draw out their strengths and
positive coping strategies
Different arts modalities, including lyrics analysis and
reflective writing, were used to help the youth consolidate
theirexperiences.Theparticipants thenhad theopportunity
toworkwithasongwriting instructor tocompose their songs
and put the lyricswritten by them tomusic.
: SohShengYang, 14
I signed up for HeartSongs as I love creating songs and music that can be
expressed in a creativeway through amix of instruments. Also, singing can
help to expressmy deepest feelings, which the audiences can relate to.
Through HeartSongs, I have learnt that I am stronger than I know. The
songwritingprocesswas funasweusedour imagination towriteour songs.
I alsomade friends through this programme.
“There’snoshadowwhen there’sno light” – this is thekeymessage Iwant
toconvey tomyaudience.Therewill alwaysbeanend that youwill beable
tosee light, nomatter howhardor long it takes toget there.Ultimately, it is
their loved oneswhowill bring brightnesswhendarkness falls.
I find thewhole program an enriching and rewarding experience forme.
When the skies aregrey
And the rain is falling
I can’t help thinkingof thedarkness.
When the clouds are grey
And the sundon’t shine
There’s a shadow overme.
Sister’s love is here to keepmedry
There’s no shadowwhere there is no light
Sister’s love is here to staywithme
I have nomoremisery
In theend I amhappy.
Trinity relates the journey
of how she found strength
and resilience to overcome
the challenges faced during
her cancer treatment. To
watch her video, please visit
Swasthi Trinity
GovindaRajan, 14
Holdingmy breath, I was losingmyself
Comparingmyself to everyoneelse
Hopeless anduselesswas how I felt
Holdingmy Father’sword.
Withmy headbowed, I was down onmy knees
Screamingand crying,Why is it me?
Ragingwith anger, I stood frommy feet,
Hearingmy Father’sword.
Truth is I can doanything
Mirrors don’t lie, stings likea bee
There aremountainswaiting forme
I will conquer, all that I see
I will not be shaken,
And I will not fear
I will riseupabove, andachieve all my dreams
I will riseupabove, and achieveall my dreams
When I hearmy Father’sword
When I hearmy Father’sword.
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