CCF Tribute 2017 Issue3 - page 11

This YFC journey has been an enriching experience for
our team. The opportunity to help raise childhood cancer
awarenessand funds forCCFhasenabledus tobecreative
inseekingways toengage thepublicandeffectivelyconvey
ourmessage about thepurpose of our fundraiser.
What was more amazing was that through this journey,
we have met many people, forged new friendships and
strengthened existing relationships through the various
initiatives held in support of the cause.
It was heartening to meet so many charitable individuals
who never hesitated to reach out to support the less
fortunate in the society – be it in the form of a volunteer,
event sponsors or donors.
This experience has shown us how generous and kind the
humanheart is.To thosewho intend toembarkon theirown
YFC journey, we hope that you can do it passionately and
remember to put yourself in the shoes of the beneficiaries
and their families, to understand their plight instead of
merely focusing on the fundraising aspect.
Think creatively and always go out of your way to dowhat
you believe in. Therewill be setbacks and the best way to
get over them is to stay united and bonded as a team and
to keep your composure inall situations.AsRyanFerreras
once said, “There’salways somethinggood that comesout
of every experience. Good times become goodmemories.
Bad times become good lessons. You can never lose, you
only grow from life.”
Always give from the bottom of your heart and remember
that giving isnot justmakingadonationor howmuch funds
you raise, it ishowmucheffort youput inand thedifference
youmake that countsandmattersmore.All thebest inyour
JancyCheeQianShi, ElizabethTeoMin,
As students, we have to juggle our homework and revisions,
theYFCproject, andCCAssimultaneously.But theexperience
and knowledgegained in theYFCprogrammewill beuseful in
theother projects that wemay takeon in the future.
We saw, through some of our failures, that things do not
always goaccording toplan.Wewerealsodemoralisedwhen
we failed to meet our targets due to the over-ambitiousness
during the planning stage of the project, but we learnt to
respond quickly andmake changes as soon as possible.
The project also allowed us to contribute to the society and
help children and families impacted by childhood cancer.
We are proud of ourselves for stepping out of our comfort
zones and taking on this project for the first time, despite
having little or no experience. CCF has also rendered us a lot
of assistancealong theway, whichwearegrateful for.
LeeZhengLong, TeohXuEn, NgHoChi
During the June school holidays, we began our fundraising
and outreach initiative to support CCF.
Westartedby introducingourselvesand theobjectivesof theYFC
project during a morning assembly in school. We also shared
about childhood cancer and appealed to the school cohort for
their understandingandsupport to theCCFbeneficiaries.
To createmore awareness among the teachers and students,
we displayed statistics and facts about childhood cancer on
the school’s noticeboard.WealsodistributedCCFpamphlets
in the school, and created an Instagram account to reach out
To better engage fellow school mates, we held a poster
competition within the school for all to submit creative posters
andwordsof encouragement for childrenwith cancer.
As for fundraising, we recruited student volunteers to sell CCF
merchandiseandsnacks tomembersof thepublic inBedok.
TheYFC project was a true learning experience for us as we
have givenour hearts for a veryworthy cause!
YeoHongFeng, ChinPengCheng,ArdianEbony
GoenawanandHarini Sivakumar
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