CelesteChangNing, 14
Music is a form of relaxation but my reason for attendingHeartSongswas to
makenew friends. In thefirst session,we triedout different basic instruments,
whichwas fun.
What I enjoyedmost duringHeartSongswaswhenwegot tohear themusic
pieces of all participants. Each of themwaswonderful andunique.
Through HeartSongs, I realised that I was able to create songs and write
poemsbetter than I thought I could. I amnotmusically inclined, hence itwas
not easy to understand the keys and chords.We also had to come upwith
choruses and verses.
My song, titled “Through the Mirror”is about looking at yourself from a
different perspective. I know at timeswe feel like a failure, but inside each
of us, there is a littlewild cat, waiting tobe unleashed.
This song talks about a rather plumpish cat whowants to let others know
thathedoesnotwant tobecalled fat.Hedoes itbysaying thathecanclimb
trees gracefully, and adds that he can skateboard and eat “fish-kebabs”.
He further states that he is brave as a knight, fightsRottweilers (a type of
dangerous, destructivedog) and chases lizards to rescue hismaster.
But hecanalsobequite friendly, ashemakes friendswithother dogsand
mice.At theendof thesong, thecat revealshimself asa lion, thepowerful
king of the jungle. At some parts of the songs, we had to brainstorm for
ideas and find inspiration, which was quite challenging. But overall,
HeartSongswas awonderful experience!
Looking Into
I’mablack cat
Don’t call me fat
I can climb trees
Graceful as I can be
I’ma cat that’s really cool
Noone dares say I’m a fool
I skateboard on thewalkway
Catch fish kebabs along theway
I’ma cat that’s very friendly
I make palswith canines andmice
I dress up inamanlyway
Before I do things I think twice
I’mablack cat
Don’t call me fat
I can climb trees
Graceful as I canbe
I’ma cat, a cat of valour
Seemenow in shining armour
Chasing lizards I save the day
DodgingRottweilers I save all
I’mawild cat, now I’vebecome
I’ve been through somany pains
MyOhana has helpedme through
Kingof the jungle is nowmy name
Lee JueLei, 17
This HeartSongs programme was introduced to me by my CCF social
worker,MsWinniePoo.Sheencouragedme tosignupas I hadearntmusic
when I was young and played for school band. I thought this programme
would be interesting since it was related to music. I was initially quite
skeptical about it, not knowing what it would offer, but as time went on, I
began to enjoy the session.
I particularly loved figuringout themelody tomatchmy songandplaying
on thepiano tab. I also learnt that song-writing isnot aseasyas I thought
itwouldbe. Thereweremany restrictions, suchasfinding the right notes
for yourmelody in order to sing in a comfortablepitch.
Writing lyrics was a challenge for me as I am not quite a creative
person. However, I hadhelpand inspirations fromMsCheryl Lee, who
suggested various topics forme towrite about.
Mysonghasa line “just take it slowandeasy, for there’salwaysgonna
be tomorrow”, whichmeans that whenever you encounter a problem,
be it stress or work-related, you should try to take it slow and easy.
And, even when you are unable to resolve the issue in a day, there
is always tomorrow to conquer the problem. Overall, I think that this
HeartSongs programmewas interesting – it boostedmy confidence
and I enjoyed it.
I used todream, that lifewould be easy
I used to dream, that it would be smooth-sailing
Ohhowwrong I was
But I know something that you don’t
That will help youwhen you’redown
And that’swhen life gives you lemons
You throw it back like its grad-year
And sleep till the next morning
For your problemswill disappear
When you’re snuggling in your bed
Feelingall warmupand cosy
Just let yourmindwander off
For there’s always gonnabe tomorrow
For there’s always gonnabe tomorrow