CCF Tribute 2017 Issue3 - page 15

Survivors’ Service Learning Project (SSLP) serves as a platform for
youth survivors to be empowered and be critically reflective through
participation in community service-learning projects.
Five youth survivors, between the ages of 17 and 26, participated in SSLP in
Melaka, Malaysia from 14 to 17 June 2017. The project was a collaboration with
theNational Cancer SocietyMalaysia (NCSM) andMelakaHospital.
Prior to the four-day trip, the youthsmet up andprepared for theproject.
The team took a four-hour ride to Melaka to embark on this
meaningful project. Upon arrival, the team went on a shopping
trip to purchasematerials, decorations and goodie bags for the families that they
The goodie bags that the team prepared were filled with snacks, stationery and
hygieneproducts such as hand sanitizers and alcohol wipes.
It was a full day of service learning together with the beneficiaries
of NCSM.After a short introduction by the team, they conducted a
storytelling andart workshopbasedon the theme “TheGarden”.
The team made origami mushrooms and lady bugs, among others, to provide
active learning for NCSMbeneficiaries. TheNCSMbeneficiaries bondedwell with
our CCF team during the session.
Shortly after some rest, the youths spruced up the same venue with Hari
Raya decorations, a prelude to the dinner party. The team came up with a
series of icebreakers andgames, aswell as a survivors’ sharing session.All
participants – beneficiaries of NCSM and theCCF team – also pennedwell
wishes for one another, before the night came to an end.
The thirdmorningwas a visit to the children oncologyward
atMelakaHospital.Following thepreviousday’sexperience,
puttingup festivedecorations in thewardwasa faster process thanbefore.
Two CCF youth survivors shared their childhood cancer journey with an
in-patient, making the sessionan invaluableone.
As part of their mementos for this project, the youth survivors spent the
afternoon penning down their thoughts and experiences on a pair of
customisedwooden clogs, painstakingly hand-painted by themselves.
On the last day, the team spent some time exploring the historical
cityofMelaka, whichwasdeclaredaUNESCOWorldHeritage site
in 2008. The itinerary included St. Paul’s Church, Christ Church, The Stadthuys,
A’Famosa anda ride on the beautifully decorated trishaw.
Before concluding themeaningful trip,
the team tucked intoaplateof chicken
riceball and savouredabowl of herbal
Bak Kut Teh before heading back to
Singapore. It was truly a memorable
trip for the youth survivors, with so
many tales of their adventures to be
recounted when they return home to
their lovedones!
Survivors’ServiceLearningProject atMalacca
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