CCF Tribute 2017 Issue3 - page 9

Protego is a latin word which means to protect. Through
this project, we hope to protect and do our best to help
children and families impacted by childhood cancer. With
just a group of four girls leading 60 volunteers, we helped
to raise funds and awareness for CCF through several
In April, we conducted a bake sale in Methodist Girls’
School (MGS), selling home-made macarons, brownies,
muffins and other baked goods to raise funds for CCF.We
alsospokewitha fewof our classmatesaboutCCFand the
efforts done to helpCCF’s beneficiaries. In June, together
withour volunteers,wewent out on thestreetsand tosome
publichousingblocks inareassuchasJurongEast,Bishan
andOrchardRoad tosellmerchandiseanddistributeflyers.
We also spoke to many members of the public to share
about childhood cancer and how their donations would go
a longway inhelpingCCF beneficiaries.
The journey had been tough, but it was definitely a
meaningful and enriching one. Though faced with many
difficulties, we pushed on to overcome the challenges to
raise childhood cancer awareness and funds for CCF.
Throughour efforts,wealsohoped thatmorepeoplewould
beawareof thegoodworksof CCF.Wewere very thankful
for this opportunity and we hope that more people will
come forward to reach out and lend a helping hand to the
less fortunate.
AlexisLei YeeFaye, CharmaineTrishaOrtego Joson,
ShannonTan JiayingandTanLi TyngMichelle
We supportedCCF through theYFC programme this year.
In this journey, we experienced the highs and lows of
fundraising and learnt toovercome theodds.
For instance, we had a hard time recruiting volunteers
and spent a long time planning our eventswhile our peers
enjoyed their holidays or weekends. But much to our
delight, we yielded satisfying results.
Most importantly,wehada tasteofwhat it feels tocontribute
back to the society. The training provided by CCF also
helpedusunderstandhowweas individuals cangiveback
in our ownways.
Through this exposure, we were able to refine and define
ourpersonalaspirationsbeyond theacademicenvironment.
New friendships, character buildingandcommunityservice
were some of the other rewards we have reaped in this
journey. We met other like-minded people along the way
and community involvement gaveusa senseof belonging.
We have thoroughly enjoyed this project.
YaoYuming, Li Han,WangYihe
andCui Chenling
Championinga social cause
Eight groups of students embarked on their 15-week Citi-YMCA Youth For
Causes (YFC) communityproject inMay this year. From street sales topublicity
campaigns, these students executed self-initiated projects to raise public
awareness and funds in support of CCF.
Readon tofindout how theygainedfirst-handexperienceonbecomingmasters
of their entrepreneurial projects!
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