runof IMSCharityCarWash for CCF
At IMS, the notion of "charity fundraising" is an
unconventional, out-of-the-box idea of a car wash. In
fact, this has been such a hit that it is now into its second
year running.
As a prelude to the IMS Charity Car Wash Day, a booth
was set up near the IMS canteen selling merchandise
On 17 February 2017, about 20 staff from IMS, dressed
in shorts and T-shirts and equipped with jet hoses and
other cleaning tools, washed and groomed 33 carswithin
a strictly allocatedwashing schedule.
This annual fundraising event was spearheaded by Andy
Ng and the Order Fulfillment Team, in collaboration with
IBM Club IMS Charity Cluster. The aim, as part of the
CSR, was also to engage the staff through team bonding
exercises byway of ameaningful event.
At the end of the day, the car wash raked in a total of
$2,591.30 in donations for CCF, surpassing the team’s
initial projection of $1,500. The team would like to thank
all the donors and volunteers who made this event a
resounding success.
ContributedbyBernardKLWong, Secretary,
IBMClub IMS 2016