CCF Tribute 2017 Issue3 - page 16

Art jammingsession
NTUCstaff volunteersbrought 20CCFbeneficiariesout
for a fun-filledafternoonof excitement andadventureat
ThePolliwogs@SuntecCity on 23 June2017.
The children tried their handatmaking their yummylicious hand-madepizzas
during the pizza-making workshop, and had a blast dodging lasers like top
secret spies in Laser Fury. Amini-treasure hunt was also held at the indoor
playground, with our volunteers and the children exploring the premises
together for hidden treasures. Everyone was a winner and they went home
with big smiles and lots of goodies!
Thiswasoneof theeventsamong the volunteeringprojectsheld from1March
to 13 August 2017 organised by the Staff Union of NTUC (SUN) for Young
NTUCUHeart 2017, incollaborationwithNTUC Income.UHeart 2017aims to
leave a deeper and lasting impact in the lives of diverse group of beneficiaries
throughaseriesof youthself-initiateddo-goodprojects.Wehope toencourage
more youths toorganisemore skills-based volunteeringprojects.
Contributor:MsTeresaWong, NTUCYouthDevelopment Unit, Intern
The inaugural ‘Faber-Castell Art Festival’
tookplace from27May to4 June2017at
theMarinaSquareCentral Atrium.
Held on a grand scale in a ‘castle’ setting and encompassing 4,758
square feet of space, the festival welcomed all to be inspired by the
possibilities of art in itsmany facets, and even try their hand at creating
a form of art – regardless of age or experience.
Besides conducting two art workshops for CCF beneficiaries, Faber-
Castell alsodonatedpart of the salesproceeds from theartworks toCCF.
Contributor:MsAmandaKoh, Faber-Castell Singapore, Senior
Faber-Castell art festival
UHeart 2017: UEngagewithKids
Volunteers from Thome Ship Management
headeddown to theArteastiqCaféatMandarin
Gallery on 26 May 2017 to attend an art
jamming sessionwith sixCCFbeneficiaries.
At the gallery, the beneficiaries showcased their drawing and painting talents
bycarefullysketching illustrations, suchascartooncharacters.Our volunteers
patiently guided them along as they inked their creation on the art canvas,
laughingheartilywhile completing theart pieces together.
Our volunteers andCCF beneficiaries enjoyed the close interactionwith one
another throughout the session. All participants also posed for photos with
theirmasterpiece before bringing their artwork home.
Our volunteers andCCF beneficiaries enjoyed the close interactionwith one
another throughout the session. All participants also posed for photos with
theirmasterpiece before bringing their artwork home.
Contributor:MsEunicePhua, ThomeShipManagement PteLtd,
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