CCF Tribute 2017 Issue3 - page 17

Birthday fundraising for four-year-old twins
Our youngest daughter Serena is a cancer survivor. She was diagnosed with a rare
kidney cancer, withno known cure, andhad tohaveoneof her kidneys removedwhen
shewas11monthsold.Wearehappy tosay that shehasbeenastrongcancer survivor.
We did our first fundraising event for CCF two years ago, when Serena and her twin
sisterSoniacelebrated their two-year-oldbirthday. Thisyear, they turned four.Wehope
to always be grateful and help other children and their familieswho have fought or are
still in themidst of battlingwith cancer.
Hence,wedida fundraisingeventatouroffices,aswellasabirthdaycelebration
at home on 28May 2017.Wewere happy to raisea total of $6,931 for CCF.
We were very blessed to have all the support from friends, family members
and colleagues.Wehope this small token sumwill goa longway inhelping the
other CCFbeneficiaries.
Contributor: EvelynNeo, Organiser
Combining teambuildingwithdoinggood
Tosupport agoodcauseandat thesame timeholda teambuildingevent,
Credit Suisse’s Chief Risk Officer Department APAC held its inaugural
CRODragonboat CharityRace at Kallangwater basin on9 June 2017.
More than 50 colleagues – both rowers and supporters
– turned up for this friendly competition in the heart of
Singapore. This has brought lots of fun, fostered team
spirit and injected a dose of healthy competition among
fellow colleagues. Indoing so, thisevent alsoallowedus
to play our part and support CCF. Thanks to everyone
who helped raise a total of $3,475 for CCF.
Contributor:Market CompetitivenessStream:
Chief RiskOfficer Department, Credit Suisse
SwisslogHealthcare raises funds for CCF
While researching online for new automation solution for
IV preparation, we found theChildren’sCancer Foundation
(CCF) as a suitable organisation to work with. The
Foundation’smission of improving the lives of childrenwith
cancer and their family strikes close to the heart of what we
do as an organisation, thus spurring Swisslog Healthcare
employees to takeaction.
The CCF fundraiser that was held from 1 May to 31 May
2017 was initiated by our Chief Executive Officer, Stephan
Sonderegger, who spent three years in Singapore. He first
made a donation to CCF
and local Swisslog Healthcare
employees followed suit, kicking off the SwisslogShares
community giving programme in Singapore, modeled after
a similar programme inNorthAmerica.
Swisslog Healthcare raised a total of
$2,000 for CCF. SwisslogShares is
part of SwisslogHealthcare’sCorporate
Social Responsibility programme, where
westrive tomakeadifference inourcommunities
by supportingemployees and social organisations.
Swisslog Healthcare applauds CCF’s efforts in
rehabilitating families and children recovering from
cancer. We hope this initial donation will aid CCF in
advancing its services for children and their families to
enjoy a better quality of life.
Contributor: JazmynLee, SwisslogHealthcare,
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