Since 2014, 88.3Jia FM and Power 98FM have been theOfficial
Radio Stations for Hair for Hope (HfH), an annual community
outreach event organised by the Children’s Cancer Foundation
(CCF). The radio stationshavebeen supporting theevent through
variouswayssuchassponsoringHfHradio jingles,on-air interviews,
onlinepublicity, providinga teamof radiodeejaysasevent emcees
forHfHandorganisingstudio tours for our beneficiaries.
Speaking with TRIBUTE, the radio stations said the four-year
strong partnershipwithCCF has been ameaningful and fruitful
endeavour for its staff and organisation.
88.3Jia FM and Power 98FM firmly believe that it is important
to be socially responsible and committed when it comes to
giving back to the society. As such, they are always supportive
of causes that will make a positive difference to the community.
HfH is the only head-shaving event in Singapore that serves
to raise childhood cancer awareness and funds. Thousands of
individuals take part in this annual event by making their bald
statements and encouraging their friends and family members
todonate in support of a good cause.
At theevent, the radio deejays become advocates by educating
members of the public on childhood cancer; they help to dispel
myths and falsehoods on childhood cancer and highlight the
challenges faced by childrenwith cancer and their families.
“Hair has always been viewed bymany as a symbol of strength
and physical attractiveness,” said Power 98FM radio deejay
MichaelTan. “Towitness individuals fromallwalksof lifestepping
forward and making that decision to shave is both moving and
humbling. This act of shavingmay seem simple but it is a bold
expressionof their commitment to supporting the children.”
He added: “Through my involvement in the HfH event, I have
also heard stories of courage and determination from the
childrenand their families, whichmakemeappreciate thegift of
lifemore, and inspireme to live everymoment to the fullest. I’m
really honoured and privileged to have the opportunity to host
theHfHevents andhope to continuedoing so in the future.”
88.3JiaFM radio deejayYongShuHui also agreed. “I take care
of my hair well, so to me, shaving is indeed a resolute stand
taken by an individual as a show of commitment to CCF’s
cause,” shesaid. “Frommy involvement in theHfHevent, I have
not onlywitnessed shavees’ contributions first-handbut also the
efforts of the many volunteers who work tirelessly behind the
scenes to ensure the event goes smoothly.”
“Everyone plays their part and is dedicated to achieving the
commongoal of raisingawareness forCCF’scause. I’m thankful
tobepart of thiscollectiveandmeaningfulwork,”ShuHui added.
Both radio stations are happy to contribute to this meaningful
effort, and look forward to continuinga longstandingpartnership
withCCF tohelp further our goodcause. Bybringing to the table
itsexpertise in themediaandentertainment industry toeffectively
deliver CCF’s desiredmessages, they hope to encouragemore
to join CCF’s cause through creating awareness and garnering
public support.
88.3Jia FM and Power 98FM recognise that battling cancer is
not easy for both thechildrenand their familiesandarehappy to
journey alongside theCCF beneficiaries.
2014: 88.3JiaFMDJKelvin Loh andPower 98FM Jerald JustinKo (JK).
2016: 88.3Jia FMDJ Heng Kae In (Kay) and Power 98FMDJMichael Tan.
2015: 88.3JiaFMDJCharleneGohShi Han.
2017: 88.3JiaFMDJYongShuHui.
andPower 98FMair
support for Hair for Hope
TRIBUTE speakswith the two local radio stationswhomCCF
works closelywith during theannual Hair for Hope community outreachevent.