CCF Tribute 2017 Issue3 - page 18

Annual charity
golf tournament by
The Singapore Contactors Association
Limited (SCAL) hosted its annual charity
golf tournamenton26July2017atSentosa
Golf Club, SerapongCourse to raise funds
for Children’sCancer Foundation.
Organised by the SCAL Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) Subcommittee, the
golf tournament waspart of itsCSRprogrammes to raise funds
in support of voluntary welfare organisations (VWOs) for the
less privileged inSingapore.
Withsupport fromclose to30companies, the tournament raised
$244,000 through the sponsorshipof golf flightsanddonations.
After the game, participants were invited to a dinner and
prize presentation ceremony at the Grand Salon. Gracing the
dinner was Guest-of-Honour, Minister for Social and Family
Development, Mr TanChuan-Jin.
“Despite the current economic challenges, many have
continued to give generously for this worthy cause. I believe
our contributionswill help improve thevariousprogrammesand
services for CCF’s beneficiaries and their families. SCAL is glad to be able tomake a positive impact and difference
through our giving,” saidMr BenjaminTan, Chairman of theOrganisingCommittee.
“VWOs inSingapore like theChildren’sCancer Foundationdependonpublicsupport and funding for their operations.
SCAL will continue to support such CSR events to help VWOs as they play a significant role to serve the poor,
vulnerable and disadvantaged in our community,” saidMr KennethLoo, President of SCAL.
Contributor: GraceTeo, SingaporeContractorsAssociationLimited, CorporateCommunicationsExecutive
(From left) SCAL Council Member Mr Derrick Pay, SCAL 1st Vice President Mr Ng
YekMeng, SCAL Immediate Past President Dr Ho Nyok Yong, Dean of BCAAcademy
Dr John Keung, SIACouncil Mr LimChoon Keang, SCALCouncil MembersMr Jeffrey
Yu, Mr JasonTay andSCALExecutiveDirector, Mr LamKongHong.
(From left) SCAL President Mr Kenneth Loo, SCAL
Chairman of Organising Committee Mr Benjamin Tan,
Minister for Social and Family Development Mr Tan
Chuan-Jin andExecutiveDirector of Children’sCancer
FoundationMsNeo LayTin.
TanakaElectronicsholdsfleamarket to
raise funds for CCF
To raise more funds for CCF, the CSR working group from Tanaka
ElectronicsSingapore organised a fleamarket from 3 to 5 July 2017.
Apart fromsellingelectronicgadgetsandused laptopskindlydonated
by our staff, CCFmerchandisewere also sold at the event.
Many of our staff were supportive of the event as the flea market
enabled them to purchase heavily discounted items. At the same
time, theywere also doing their part in givingback to the society.
A retired staff even donated under Tanaka Electronics Singapore, although she
is no longer with the company. Her gesture warmed the hearts of many CSR
working groupmembers, who felt deeply appreciated.
Through theevent,wemanaged to raise$9,127 forCCF, far exceedingour initial
target of $5,000. The CSR working group would like to thank all donors and
volunteerswhomade this event amemorableand successful one.
Contributors:Andy andKom, TanakaElectronicsSingaporePteLtd, CSRworkinggroupmembers
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