CCF_Tribute_Issue4_2017 - page 15

byThomeShipManagement PteLtd
On 18August 2017, we held a Charity FunWalk/Run that was
opened to all Thome employees. For every staff who signed up
for theevent, Thome pledged $10 in support of CCF.
There were two routes starting from NTUC Centre. The 5km
route included a mid-point at Marina Barrage, before turning
back in the direction of our office at Hong Leong Building. As
for the10km route, our staff ranpast Gardens by theBay (East)
towards Benjamin Sheares Bridge, before returning to Hong
We saw an active participation from our staff and wemanaged
to raise $5,000 for CCF.
Besides the Charity Fun Walk/Run, Thome also held its
annual Charity Bowl event at Kallang Bowl and invited CCF
beneficiaries and their families on 29 September 2017. Thome
pledged todonate$1 toCCF for every point scored. Thegames
concludedwitha total cumulativescoreof 16,464points! In total,
we raised $20,000, including personal donations from Thome
and its employees.
Awardswerepresented to theTopThreeTeamswith thehighest
scores, theTopMaleandTopFemaleBowlers, aswell as theTop
Male and Top Female Junior Bowlers. Every CCF beneficiary
also received agoodie bag that was prepared by the organising
committee. It was an enjoyable event for both our employees
andCCF beneficiaries!
For bothevents, we raiseda total of $25,000 in support of CCF.
Contributor: HazelleKe, HRExecutive,
ThomeShipManagement PteLtd
Walk today for abetter tomorrow
As part of Roche Singapore Technical Operations (RSTO)
community outreach programme, our volunteers came
together inearly2017 toorganiseaseriesof events forRoche
Children’s Walk (RCW), our global fund-raising initiative for
children around the world. RSTO has continued to choose
CCF as beneficiary to give back and improve the quality of
life of children with cancer and their families and children
impactedby cancer throughenhancing their emotional, social
andmedical well-being.
Over a period of two months, our employees participated in
several activities, such as Build-a-bear, Yoga for Kindness
and Shop-arity. The finale was a 5-km charity walk by our
employees along Marina Bay. Our employees were glad to
havecontributed to thegoodcause.With their strongsupport,
we raiseda total of $26,977.60 forCCF this year (after dollar-
for-dollarmatchingbyRSTO).Wewould like to thankCCF for
theopportunity to collaborateonceagain, and look forward to
organising similar activities in the near future.
Contributor: JaeHu Jiayan,AutomationEngineer,
RocheSingaporeTechnical OperationsPteLtd
Small changemakes adifference
This is the third year that CrimsonLogic rolled out its “Small
Change Makes a Difference” programme, which aims to
promote giving back to the community through cultivating good
saving habits among the students. In July 2017, CrimsonLogic
supportedCCF for the first time to help createmore awareness
on theworks of CCF.
A coin bank, resembling a Lego brick, was handed out to each
student at six participating schools in Singapore. The students
were encouraged to save over a period of two months as a
donation toCCF. Theywerealsoallowed to keep the coinbanks
at theend of theprogramme to continue the habit of saving.
Separately, more than 400 employees in CrimsonLogic joined
the students in this saving programme. CrimsonLogic hopes
to support CCF in their mission to improve the quality of life
for children and families impacted by cancer through such
fundraising events. In total, CrimsonLogic together with the
students, helped raise $21,593.01 for CCF.
CCF and CrimsonLogic would like to thank the students and
teachers from Ang Mo Kio Primary School, Beatty Secondary
School, Seng Kang Primary School, St. Margaret’s Primary
School, Yishun Town Secondary School and Zheng Hua
PrimarySchool for their participation in this project!
Contributor: LeahGoh,AssistantManager, Corporate
CommunicationsDepartment, CrimsonLogicPteLtd
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