Paint Pals at CCF@NUH andCCF@KKH
Paint Pals connects children and youths at KKH and NUH through art
exchanges. The three-month programme, which began inSeptember this
year, had five volunteers assigned to theparticipants. The fivepairs of Paint
Palsparticipants createdartworks that reflected thedifferent aspectsof their
experiences, including their stay in the hospital. In total, about four art mails
were sent betweeneachpair of participants.
Below is anartwork andpoemby 11-year-oldCCFbeneficiaryMyraKhullar.
Freedom, Myra
MyLocker is aMonster
My locker is amonster
It’s definitely not handy
It’s not even sweet, as
Mint flavored candy
It likes to eat
My books, pens and pencils
It even likes to eat
My drawings andmy stencils
I need to domy homework
But how shall I manage
With all my pens and pencils
All so badly damaged
Can you giveme a solution
Towhat should I do
Maybe I shouldmove
Or hidemy things in the loo
Entertainment &Enrichment –
Storytellingsession at CCF@NUH
Astory-telling sessionwas conducted on 20September 2017
atCCF@NUHbyourvolunteer,XueLing fromBooksActually.
She narrated the book that she authored, which revolves
around the adventure of two young sisters on a mysterious
island. The children were so engrossed, they could not stop
asking about the characters even though the storytelling
session has ended. The children also received some
colouring sheets and stickers –much to their delight. Thank
youXue Ling for conducting the engaging session!