CCF_Tribute_Issue4_2017 - page 8

Art withYoko
Art sessions with CCF volunteer Yoko are always fun and
creative. It is not simply about creating a visual image. On 11
October 2017, each student from PALS had the opportunity to
“make” his/her own story bookwith the help of other children.
Theywere taught how to cut and fold anA3-size drawing paper
to form a book. The child, who is the owner of the book, began
his/her story by drawing on the first page of the book. He/she
then passed it on to the next child to continue with the story
through speech bubbles and drawings. This continued on until
all the pages were filled and the book was then returned to its
owner. He/she then drew, devised the ending of the story and
designed the cover with a title for thebook.
Thereafter, all the children shared their stories. They each had
to weave together a story using their imagination based on the
pages of drawings andwords of theother children in thegroup.
Beyond the art experience, this activity allowed the students to
learn the foundationsofwritingandstorytelling.Wewould like to
thankYoko for conducting the fun-filled art session!
Storytelling at PALS
Volunteers from the Society of Children’s Books Writers and
Illustrators (SCBWI) have been actively involved in engaging
childrenatPALSwith interestingand thought-provokingstories
through themonthly storytelling sessions. The recent session
was conducted on 25September 2017.
Stories, through thecharactersandeventsdepictedwithin, gave
the children a chance to learn new ideas and concepts. They
werealsogivena conduciveenvironment to learnwithout fear.
The stories that were shared are in line with the social values
taughtatPALS.Through thesestorytellingactivities,childrenare
aswell asproblem solving, empathyandothermoral values.
The volunteers often encouraged children to draw their own
lessons from a story through art and play activities. PALS
would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the volunteers
SCBWI for their time and dedication!
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