CCF_Tribute_Issue4_2017 - page 7

“Review the past, evaluate the present and prep for the future”
– That was themessage to the 21 enlivened CCF beneficiaries
during the two-day, one-night YouthCamp.
Held from4 to5September 2017atD’Resort@DowntownEast,
the youths were taught how to cope positively in life. Themed,
“Past, Present, Future”, the youths gained insight into their
past, assessed their present lifestyle and prepped for the future
througha series of thoughtfully plannedactivities.
After a few rounds of light-hearted icebreakers, participants
were divided into groups before they set off to Pasir Ris Park
for an adrenaline-packed series of “RunningMan”-inspired tele-
match. The game was simulated to bring the youths back in
time– specifically to the90s– tohelp theparticipants reflect and
acknowledge that thepast is nowbehind them.
The afternoon unfoldedwith a session of STOMPmusic-making,
followed by a cat-cuddling session, which increased the sensory
stimulationof theyouths, encouraging them to live in thepresent.
Dusk fell and the youths took on the role of a culinary chef, by
putting their skills to test at the barbecue pit. Their task: To bring
out the most delectable barbecue chicken wings. It was such
an endearing sight to see them working harmoniously together
regardless of all odds.
After spending the first day reviewing their past and evaluating
the present, the youths spent their second day dragon boating,
which equipped them with skills for the future. Upon checking
out, the youths headed toKallangWater SportsCentre.
Despite the sudden change inweather, it did not deter them
from setting out to row. Some of the youths faced difficulties
as they got physically drained along theway. However, they
bondedas a teamandwere focused to complete their task.
According to the youths, the heavy downpour signified the
challenges theymight face in the future. Theparticipants left
theplacewitha strong senseof accomplishment.
Back at the CCF Community Office in Novena that
afternoon, the youths were asked to reflect and write some
positivewords of affirmation for their groupmembers. It was
heartening to see them leavewords of encouragement and
appreciation for one another. From their messages of love,
it was clear that they hadbondedduring their time together.
Besides feelingenrichedwithanewperspective towards life,
the youths alsowalkedawaywithnewly forged friendships.
We would also like to acknowledge the hard work,
commitment and support of our wonderful volunteers and
staff who helpedmakeYouthCamp 2017 possible. Until we
meet againnext year!
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