“ClipandClimb to the top!” exclaimedJavier, ashe reached
the summit of the Fun Rock wall. Javier was one of the
20 survivors who pitted their skills through a series of
sports activities.
We are Surventure! seeks to empower childhood cancer
survivors and help them build a positive self-concept and
gain insights to better copewith life challenges by stepping
out of their comfort zone.
The programme hopes to increase their psychosocial
adaptation, as well as provide themwith an opportunity to
connect with fellow survivors.
Themed “Clip and Climb to the Top”, the three-hour
programme took place at Let EmPlay on 19August 2017.
Survivorsweredivided intogroups and taskedwithmissions
at every climbing station, simulating daily life challenges.
It was heartening to see the survivors overcome their fears
with sheer determination. Everyone cheered one another
on, ensuring noonewas left behind.
CCF would like to thank the survivors for making We are
Surventure! a success.
SurvivorshipTalk andWorkshop
On 23 September 2017, CCF conducted a Survivorship
Talk andWorkshop titled “You&Me:ABillionEmotions”.
Thehalf-dayworkshop, heldat theCCFCommunityOffice,
touched on topics suchas intimacy and relationships.
In the morning, guest speakers Associate Professor
Tan Poh Lin and Dr Susan Logan from National
University Hospital (NUH) discussed the potential
survivorship issues impacting relationships building
for our youth survivors. One of the segments was an
interactive panel discussion for the survivors to raise
further questions that they had. Tokens of appreciation
were then presented to the guest speakers to round
up the sessionof insightful sharing.
After lunch, relationship coach, Mr Vincent Soo, taught
the youth survivors a few practical tips in building new
relationships with self and the others. Topics included
four steps to love yourself, rebuild relationships and
cope with rejections in relationships that were affected
by post-treatment effects.
At the end of the programme, all participants agreed
that the course was relevant and beneficial to them.
Theyalso shared that the sessionwasengagingand the
discussion topicswere relatable.
AssociateProfessorTanPohLin (SeniorConsultant,Division
of PaediatricHaematology andOncology, NUHS)
Dr SusanLogan (Consultant,Women’sCentre, NUHS)
Mr Vincent Soo (RelationshipArchitect / RelationshipCoach)