CCF_Tribute_Issue4_2017 - page 9

NUSChoir at PALS
“Happy!”, yelled out six-year-old Lucas, who was the youngest
participant in the group. On 13 October 2017, volunteers from
the NUS choir conducted a music lesson with PALS students
by teaching them howmusic could be used to convey feelings
under the topic of music expression.
Music expression is the art of playing or singingwith a personal
response to the music in order to stir feelings in the audience.
Asa result, theaimof apieceofmusic is toproduceaparticular
emotion, for instance joy, sadness, anger or calm.
Our students were first taught to recognise emotions in a song.
The volunteers from theNUS choir played various segments of
music and had the participants guess the emotions conveyed
by the songs.
The studentswere able to surmise that songs, whichwere loud
and with a fast tempo were generally happy, and those which
were soft and with a slow tempo were usually sad. They also
learnt to read the gestures of the conductor and managed to
transform “Twinkle, TwinkleLittleStar” intoanemotivesongwith
their voices.
Thestudentsspent a joyousafternoonwithmusic from “Frozen”,
“Jaws” and even christmas carols. The session had helped
to increase the students’ appreciation of music and choral
singing. Knowing that musical expressions often reflect human
expressions in itself provides an avenue to express oneself.
Thank youNUSChoir for themusic lesson!
Oral careat PALS
Did you know that more than half of all children in Singapore have
oneormore decayed teeth by the time they start primary school?
On23August 2017, PALS studentshad theopportunity to learn from
staff of the Health Promotion Board about the importance of teeth,
thecauseof dental cariesandhow toprevent toothdecay. Theywere
taught proper brushing techniques, the importance of flossing and
they even had the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding
by brushing a set of dummy teeth!
At the end of the session, the students were given a complimentary
dental health kit. The informative session would go a long way to
encourage our children tomaintain their beautiful smile! PALSwould
like to thank Health Promotion Board for organising the educational
session for our students!
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