In collaboration with CCF, ToTT teamed up with its
Chef Instructor to conduct two hands-on cooking classes
on 1and 8October 2017 respectively.
The classes focused on healthy cooking and eating, and
attracted close to 50 CCF beneficiaries and their families
over the two weekends. It was a fun-filled session for the
families to bond and they picked up valuable cooking skills
at the same time.
At the heart of these two classes lay a simple objective:
Itwas to reachout to theCCFbeneficiariesand their families
to brighten up their day by empowering them to exercise
their imagination, empowerment and translate their creativity
todelicious, healthymeals.
Both classes were led by experienced ToTTChef Instructor
Michele Ow. “This year, I ropedmy family in for the event,”
shesaid. “Weallhada rewarding interactionwith thechildren.
My husbandwas immenselymoved by the courage that the
participants and their families possessed. We felt that we
werepart of something bigger than ourselves.”
On the menu were scrumptious and nutritious dishes that
included Wholemeal Chicken Bolognese and DIY Frozen
Yogurt toppedwithCrunchyGranola.
Each family enjoyed the quality bonding time, which they
spent onpickinguphealthy cooking tips. The smileson their
faces were an indicator of howmuch they enjoyed the food!
Participants were abuzz with excitement as they prepared
Finally, all participants were invited to the Bistro, where they
enjoyed their food together as one – rounding off the day’s
activitieswith satisfied stomachs and full hearts.
ToTTwould like to thankCCF and its beneficiaries, and also
our volunteers for making these two classes a success. We
look forward toworking together again in thenear future.
Family andparent-childcook-out withToTT
Merck Sharp &Dohme (MSD) Singapore invitedmore than
90 CCF beneficiaries to Summer Kiddos Day at Universal
StudiosSingapore on 6September 2017.
Some 70 MSD volunteers planned a fun-filled programme
startingwitha roundof ice-breakers andgames at CasaDel
Wild, a Madagascar themed restaurant, and a photo hunt
activity that transported participants to the 1930’s golden
ageofAncient Egypt.
MSD befrienders were each assigned to a family to assist
themduring theactivities.Theprogrammeendedwithabest-
dressedSuperHerocontest andgoodiebags for all children.
It was heartwarming to see the children enjoy themselves
and we hope to continue making a difference in the lives
of CCF beneficiaries. We also seek to help strengthen ties
among the families copingwith childhood cancer.
Contributor: Tabitha Ang, Policy & Communications
Manager, MerckSharp&Dohme (MSD) Singapore
MSDSummer KiddosDay at
Universal StudiosSingapore